Summer Internships

美国食品集团有限责任公司提供动手的暑期实习计划. 在实习期间,你将充分接触行业和公司文化,获得课堂之外的经验. 整个夏天,你将与行业专家一起工作,同时完成项目,以提高我们的设施, systems, and processes.

如果你正在努力获得学士学位,并希望在食品制造组织中应用你的知识, your next opportunity could be with American Foods Group, LLC!

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What will you gain


 Learning opportunities include:

  • 在养牛业中接触一些最优秀的领导者,并发展与食品加工业务相关的知识和技能
  • Thrive in a teamwork environment, hone interpersonal skills, and formulate potential career opportunities
  • 在整个实习期间管理与你所申报的专业相关的各种项目
  • 通过有监督的教育实习获得学分
  • Learn specifically about American Foods Group, 并获得在课堂上无法获得的实际工作经验

Program Perks

  • Get Paid!

    Get Paid!

    • Earn a competitive wage as an American Foods Group intern.
  • Housing


    • Housing or stipend may be available for out-of-town interns.
  • Company sponsored events

    Company sponsored events

    • 整个夏天,将有机会与所有实习生一起参加活动, supervisors, and members of the senior leadership team. 
    • A few events that could take place are reception dinners, bowling, baseball games, lunches, tournaments, and so much more!
  • Our culture

    Our culture

    • Be part of a growing organization that values our people, products, facilities, systems, and processes to ensure we stay on top of our game.
    • 我们鼓励分享和测试新想法,因为它们是持续成功的种子. 为了更好地为我们的合作伙伴服务,我们必须每年开发新的技能和方式来作出贡献. 我们展示这一点的方式之一是通过我们的实习项目. 我们明白,我们需要教导、教育和为我们的未来做准备.

Success Stories

  • Lexy Koehn, QA Intern

    美国食品集团是一家以家庭为中心,努力生产安全产品的公司, high-quality beef. 他们的员工都是很棒的人,他们会鼓励你,并尽其所能看到你成功. I worked at the East River Plant in Green Bay, WI as their QA intern, 让我告诉你,这是我度过的最好的夏天之一. 我学到了很多关于制作的知识,并且能够在整个夏天进行项目. 这段经历很有教育意义,超出了我的期望. 我最喜欢这家公司的是他们的员工. I established friendships with production workers on every line, those who were in the offices, and with the other interns. Being far from home for three months was a challenge, 但这家公司立刻让我感到受欢迎,让我成为他们家庭的一员. AFG也为我提供了在QA部门之外发展和探索公司的机会. 如果你对肉类行业有任何兴趣,我强烈建议你申请实习!

    Lexy Koehn
    QA Intern

  • Ryan Pawlowski - Operations Intern

    AFG的实习项目是一次很棒的经历,我学到了很多宝贵的技能. As an Operations Intern, 我有机会亲身学习,真正了解工厂的日常运作情况. The culture at AFG was something that stood out to me the most. It is a very easy environment to learn in, 当每个人都想分享他们的知识和经验来帮助你成功. This helped me grow and get the most out of my time here at AFG.

    Ryan Pawlowski
    Operations Intern

Ready To Kickstart Your Future?

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Available Internships

Click on your area of interest to learn more!

Program Qualifications

  • 必须在认可的学院或大学完成大三
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • 有独立工作和跨部门工作的愿望和能力
  • 愿意通过强大的沟通和领导能力与他人互动
  • 是一个好奇的人,渴望通过经验获得知识
  • Have reliable transportation to and from working location

Application Process


Click on each step to learn more.


Ready To Kickstart Your Future?

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